Friday, May 9, 2014

Crushing the Addiction

It really isn't hard to write. I'm not talking about an epic novel or screenplay. Those are hard. But something that's on your mind for the moment shouldn't be so difficult especially if you have a computer with a word program or Facebook notes :) So today I want to write about addiction. Thankfully, for me it's only Candy Crush. But still, I have found that this popular pass time has consumed me more than any other silly app out there.  I've tried a few but CC is a tough nut to crack.  I bet it will be tougher than quitting smoking.

Yes, I have an addictive nature. But I also know that once I overcome said addiction, I'm done.  No going back. The gratification I got from smoking was really a chemical substitute for something deeper. It was a cheap, not really, substitute for emotional control. I smoked when I was frustrated believing that it calmed my nerves. I smoked to be social and back in the day to be cool. It became a time keeper in my career, like a reward that I accomplished a task and now it was time for a smoke break with my buddies. Yes, it is a chemical addiction that is hard to break. But, the emotional bond is even harder to let go of. I can attest to this because I finally kicked the habit for good when I was laid off in 2010. The social aspect of smoking was gone.

Now, I see all those anti-smoking commercials and they scare the crap out of me. I ask can I still succumb to those diseases? Can I still lose fingers and toes or be tethered to an oxygen machine when I'm older? God, I pray not, from my heart to his ears...let's play Candy Crush.  See what I mean? It's just like smoking. The satisfaction of moving on to the next level is almost cathartic.  "I did it, ha stupid game. That all ya got?" Well, I just completed episode 20. I didn't even realize the levels were called episodes until I decided not to play anymore and, more importantly, to put my commitment in writing. Yup, this is a contract with myself to put my time to better use. And if you still believe that Candy Crush (or any of the other games out there) is harmless you can check this out.
I found that site to be very informative not only because it was written by a fellow sufferer with symptoms that I can identify with but for the tone and insights he offers.    

Wish me luck as I walk this road and add Candy Crush to my list of conquests. It won’t be easy. Candy Crush is at your fingertips anytime anywhere as compared to jumping in the car to pick up a pack of smokes (or candy).       

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